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2025 Dream Builders Campaign 


Helping to secure the future for children and adults with intellectual/developmental challenges and autism is crucial. There are many ways you can make a difference for those we support!


Our Community Partners and Donations are the life blood of our agency. Your donations directly impact services we are able to provide.

  We use Network For Good as our SECURE Giving Platform.





Please consider the ease of making a recurring donation and

become a Jane's Hero below!!






More Ways To Give

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Amazon Smile

You Shop. Amazon Gives. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Choose Dreams!



Kroger Community Rewards

Kroger is committed to helping our communities grow and prosper. Year after year, local schools, churches and other nonprofit organizations will earn millions of dollars.



When you contribute cash, your gift will immediately be used to help transform lives of children and adults with developmental disabilities. If you itemize, this type of contribution is deductible. Consult your attorney or tax adviser for more information.

Life Insurance​

Name Dreams With Wings Inc. as a beneficiary on an existing life insurance policy, such as one that may be provided through your workplace. You can also purchase a life insurance policy and designate Dreams With Wings, Inc. as the irrevocable beneficiary.


Have you thought about including Dreams in your Will? It's easy to do; we can assist you in getting it done.
Giving a gift in your will is a way to give and leave a legacy at Dreams With Wings.

Mail Directly To:

Dreams With Wings

1579 Bardstown Rd

Louisville, KY  40205

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Contact Us!

1579 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, Ky 40205

Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-4pm

502-459-4647  ADMIN Office

2106 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, Ky 40205

Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-4pm

502-238-3400  DAY Program

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